Dr Yan Chen, Quality Assurance (WP9)
Dr Yan Chen is an Associate Professor of Cancer Screening at Nottingham University and an honorary member of the Royal College of Radiologists.
Yan has an established international reputation in human and AI performance evaluations and training medical imaging applications using visual perception and computer science approaches. This currently encompasses the radiological areas of breast screening, prostate cancer imaging (mpMRI), lung cancer imaging as well as digital pathology and some surgical areas. In these domains, she is leading on several large scale national/international projects, having secured more than £2.3 million as Principal Investigator in research funding in the past 3 years. Yan has published more than 60 papers in high quality scientific journals, invited to speak in many international conferences. She also serves as reviewer in several leading journals and also as the member of journal editorial boards.
Dr Yan Chen leads on Work Package 9 Quality Assurance: Radiologist Training and Monitoring and on Work Package 8 Outcome Prediction and New Treatment Paradigms.