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October 28, 2022

The DART project is about using data to better predict lung cancer so it can be treated earlier.

The project invites those in any way affected by lung cancer or lung cancer screening to advise us on the best ways to tell those attending lung cancer screening how their data is being used. We are planning to hold an advisory focus group by video conference on Wednesday 23rd November and invite those whose lives have been affected in any way by lung cancer to join us. Your input will make a valuable contribution to the project by ensuring we are clear about what data is collected and how it is used. If you are interested, please email DART Lung Health Project dart@oncology.ox.ac.uk.

The NHS Lung Health Check is a service that is running in some parts of England. It aims to help diagnose lung cancer at an earlier stage when treatment may be more successful.

People are invited for a lung health check if they:

  • are aged between 55 and 75
  • are registered with a GP
  • have ever smoked
  • live in an area where the checks are being done

Those at a higher risk of lung cancer have a CT scan. If the scan shows any abnormal areas (nodules), there may be further scans, tissue samples or surgery. This is to check if the area is cancer or not. In most cases it isn’t but in a small number of people it is.

DART researchers want to use information from scans and other test to further improve the early diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, leading to better survival rates.

This study is collecting and using data (clinical records and copies of scans and biopsy/resection slides) from over 500,000 participants in these lung health checks. We ask you to advise us on how you feel about DART collecting data after patient treatment and without direct consent, if the documents provided to patients make it clear enough how to request not to be included in the study and how you feel about commercial companies using the data to develop methods to improve recognition of lung diseases. Copies of the documents will be circulated to those interested before the meeting.