Hermes Medical Solutions

Established in 1976 in Stockholm, Sweden, Hermes Medical Solutions continuously innovates to enable faster and more personalized diagnosis and therapies with its independent nuclear medicine and molecular imaging software.

Hermes Medical Solutions was first to develop SPECT reconstruction software, first to develop dual-head whole body scanning, and first to introduce software for viewing fused images from different modalities. DART data is hosted on a Hermes server to benefit from its functionality in receiving, storing and viewing CT images.

The HERMIA state-of-the-art, vendor-neutral software suite enables imaging professionals to streamline their workflows, increase consistency and quality of clinical image review, whilst always keeping pace with the continual development of scanners, radiopharmaceuticals and imaging procedures in NM and MI.

Hermia harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence and automation and combines it with the latest computing technology, to accelerate your workflow for all clinical scenarios in PET/SPECT/CT/MR, onsite or remotely, regardless of scanner manufacturer.

Our mission is to combine leadership in innovation for NM and MI software with customer-driven service.

Our success lies in our close and longstanding collaboration with our customers to meet their software, support and service needs.

Hermia improves the quality of patient management and decision support for thousands of healthcare providers and their patients worldwide.

Visit and discover how Hermia software can make a difference for your facility!