Dr Rositsa Koleva, Population Health and Health Economics (WP6)

Dr Rositsa Koleva-Kolarova joined the Health Economics Research Centre in 2019 to work on the Horizon2020 funded project named HEcoPerMed (Health economics for personalised medicine) which aimed to identify modelling and payment strategies for personalised medicine to differentiate between promises and reality. Currently, she works on different projects that aim to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of cancer screening interventions, and surgical interventions for treating complex obesity, and the Invest4health project that is looking to promote and encourage new financing models for health, health promotion and disease prevention.

Previously, Rositsa held appointments as a research fellow in health economics in the Department of Population Health Sciences, King’s College London and a senior assistant professor at the Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University Pleven, Bulgaria. She has worked on economic evaluation projects on stratifying antihypertensive treatment according to individuals’ ethnicity background, pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics for cardiovascular diseases, and evaluating new models of care (Vanguards).

Rositsa’s background is in healthcare management (BSc and MSc in Healthcare Management from the Medical University in Varna, Bulgaria) and Public Health, with a specialisation in health policy, economics, and management (MSc from the Maastricht University, The Netherlands). She obtained her PhD from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and her dissertation was based on performing health technology assessment of imaging technologies for breast cancer screening and follow-up.

Rositsa is working on the health economics stream of Work Package 6 Primary Care / Population Health and Health Economics.