GE Healthcare and Optellum join forces to advance Lung Cancer Diagnosis with Artificial Intelligence

November 29, 2021

DART partners GE Healthcare and Optellum announced that they have signed a letter of intent to collaborate to advance precision diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. GE Healthcare is a global leader in medical imaging solutions. Optellum is the leader in AI decision support for the early diagnosis and optimal treatment of lung cancer.

A clinician’s AI-assisted diagnosis of malignancy may enable patients whose nodules are not malignant to avoid unnecessary and aggressive procedures such as biopsy and surgical resection, while expediting the diagnostic process, and enabling the right treatment to start earlier. This has the potential to provide patients with personalized diagnosis and treatment plans, enabling lung cancer patients to be treated at the earliest possible stage when survival rates are the highest. This is also the ambition of DART.

Read the full press release here.

Reviewing a lung scan on a computer